writer / rocker
Hi, I’m Ben Winch, a one-time career writer and would-be indie rockstar who vanished in Tasmania in 1997. Now I aim to rear my head slowly after twenty years underground. To this end I’m at work on the following:
Celestial rock
Better on Your Way out now
Psychedelic pulp
COQworks #1: Vanishing Points
Handwritten, digitised, dispersed
Online journal from the heart
As to my past work, from 2003-6 I released 12 albums via Cottage Industry Recordings and never sold a copy. Shadow History is demos of my unreleased greatest hits, stretching back to just after my first band Movement broke up in the nineties. Brothers of the Head is a spoken-word concept album about a social misfit and his twin brother, an unborn foetus living in his skull. My two novels Liadhen and My Boyfriend’s Father were reviewed nationally and shortlisted for major prizes, and from time to time I carve another notch in my publishing history. I also review books and music and blog here with updates on my work and life.
A sort of homecoming
October 22nd 2018
Wigging out with Cottage Industry Recordings, 2003-6
October 13th 2018
You will never go to the same river twice
December 27th 2017
This feels “once in a lifetime”. But really, what isn’t?
October 27th 2017